Friday, 17 August 2012

The ultimate chick flick...

... I have been watching old films lately. 

It all started because there was all of this Marilyn Monroe hoopla around me these days and I realized I had never watched one of her movies. So I decided to become a member at "classic video".  

Let me tell you, Marilyn was a really bad actress! I have to watch another one of her films to see if she was really that bad in all of them, but she was more of a prop than actress. 

And because you can rent 3 movies for $8 at Classic Video, I have decided to make - brushing up on my classics - a new hobby. 

There is something that makes old films so charming - and I cannot say this for all of them, but the ones I have watched were really VERY good ("The Sound of Music" did win 5 Oscars and had 11 other wins) and the lack of special effects does not make these movies bad and/or more boring to watch. "Au contraire", there is something so innocent about them - maybe it is just because the world was less deprived back then, or people were just more civil and eloquent in public - and it is this precise quality that makes them so nice to watch. Women and men alike were always so impeccably dressed in the 50's - I remember my mother telling me how when my grandmother traveled she would wear a suit and hat - that is just so lovely and romantic - (you are lucky if you see people out their pajamas at the airport these days).

Deborah Kerr's costumes from the film

Anyway, I watched "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", and even though Marilyn has such a weird voice (specially when she sings) and may have been stoned - the movie was cute (and there was this man called "Piggy" and she would say "Oh Piggy" in her weird voice that I doubt was her natural one). The epiphany came, however, when  my friend Sarah Mills recommended "An Affair to Remember". After watching this, I am just going to have to go rent "Casa Blanca" and "Gone with the Wind" (I watched parts of "GWTW", but why do I think it's like 5 days long?)...

A box of Kleenex is in order if you do watch An Affair... I believe it is probably the movie that coined the "meeting at the top of the Empire State building" that so many couples in movies have followed suite to do(including Chuck & Blair :p - and Blair didn't make it because Dorota was having a baby and left Chuck stranded just like Deborah Kerr left Carey Grant)... 

This is probably really dumb of me, because one of the nicest things about this movie is that it kept me on the edge of my seat and I am about to ruin it for you :p

This is the final scene. What a punch line. Total heart break,  even the blogger boy friend shed a tear at the end...


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